
Holly Springs, GA

Mon - Fri 9am - 5 pm | Sat 10 am - 3 pm | Closed Sunday

About Our Team

Discover Your Way to a Holistic Lifestyle with Our Expert Team - Yoga, Nutrition, Counseling & Coaching for Optimum Health and Wellness!

Avani Jaya Bhagavati Ma

Avani Jaya counsel’s individuals that want to evolve into their highest potential using Traditional and Non-Traditional modalities. She combines her collegic academia with her international personal studies to deliver a comprehensive power packed counseling session. She offers guidance and practical tools which can be utilized daily to attain goals in every aspect of life.

As a certified hypnotherapist she offers past life regressions, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and healing sessions. She has taught at the Edgar Cayce Association for Research and Enlightenment and is a former facilitator of the Gateway Program at The Monroe Institute. She has studied brain wave activity and conscious development for over 22 years. Avani Jaya has studied herbalism internationally for over 20 years.

She is the co-founder of Soul Medicine Inc. a nonprofit organization that helps individuals that suffer with PTSD, addiction, anxiety and much more. Avani Jaya is also a very gifted Yoga teacher passing on the teachings given to her by several different teachers and Guru’s throughout her walk. Soul Medicine offers Yoga teacher training and a Life Mastery program for those wishing to grow and evolve while attaining more mindfulness.

Avani Jaya was born in the Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina. Her heritage is Scottish/Irish, Tsalagi (Cherokee) and Muscogee (Creek). She learned the native traditions from her grandmother at a very young age. She has always valued her relationship with the Creator (Great Mystery). Avani Jaya spent time in Guatemala where she walked the Shamanic Alters
with the thirteen Elders who guided and taught her the traditional Mayan ways. She trained for many years with Brazilian Shaman Carlos Sauer

(Brother Bear) who was adopted by Nelson Turtle of the Southern Cheyenne tribe. She trained in the Cheyenne ways and was passed the bucket to be a water pourer for the sweat lodge (Inipi) and given the Turtle alter. She received an invitation to Sundance with Chief Golden Light Eagle of the Lakatoa, Dakota, Nakota tribe in South Dakota. She was instructed by Chief Golden Light Eagle to take the star altar ways back home to the North Georgia mountains.

Avani Jaya's greatest passion is to help another
live their highest potential filled with abundance and joy.

Alisha O'Brian

Alisha, known by all as Scout, Avani’s partner, has been an integral member of the natural health industry for over 25 years. She began her studies at age 17, after watching her mother battle breast cancer, which led to bone cancer, and her eventual death.

Through witnessing the lack of awareness of nutritional approaches by the “medical community,” her passion was ignited to educate the world about alternative approaches to health and wellness.

She holds a Master’s Degree in Holistic Nutrition and is an organic food chef/owner/operator of Holistic Lifestyle Center and Café in Canton, Georgia.

She offers consultations for those stricken with illness, varying widely from digestive issues to cancer. Medical doctors regard Alisha highly for her in-depth knowledge of nutritional imbalances that lead to chronic illness and disease. She works closely with these doctors, many of which refer patients desiring a more natural route to health and wellness.

She offers Live Blood Cell Analysis, personal detox plans, nutritional counseling, and meal plan prep.  

Ashlee Fowler - Yoga Teacher, Cafe Magician, Joyful Ambassador

Ashlee is a seasoned professional with over a decade of experience in the health industry. Her passion for wellness is evident in her work at The Holistic Lifestyle Center and her instructive yoga classes. Her in-depth understanding of the human body and aptitude for lifestyle modifications have made her a well-respected figure in her field.

Beyond her professional expertise, Ashlee has a knack for making complex health concepts accessible to everyone. Her yoga classes are not merely exercise sessions; they are comprehensive lessons on body mechanics, posture benefits, and the art of listening to one's body. Recognized for her ability to adapt yoga postures to individual capabilities, she shows deep respect for everyone's unique journey toward wellness.

But Ashlee’s influence goes beyond her technical proficiency. Her radiant positivity, contagious smile, and infectious laughter make her a source of joy, embodying the very essence of emotional wellness. Her approach to health is holistic, blending physical, emotional, and spiritual elements into a unified wellness plan for her all.

In short, Ashlee is a guide, a mentor, and an inspiration in the realm of health and wellness. She not only teaches the importance of a balanced lifestyle but lives it herself, encouraging others to embrace self-care and strive for their best lives.

Brian LeSage - Technology & Art of Mindset Podcast (Host)

Brian LeSage has been a force in health and wellness since starting his Emergency Medical Services (EMS) career in 2011. His work is shaped by a dual commitment to community service and elevating well-being standards. His personal wellness journey and holistic understanding of health have deeply influenced his approach, extending beyond traditional healthcare education to underscore the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.

As technology advances, Brian recognizes its potential to transform health care. He advocates its use not merely for clinical efficiency, but as a means for self-empowerment. He equips the Holistic Lifestyle Center with digital resources and health management tools, enabling them to actively participate in their health and wellness journey.

Brian's commitment to holistic wellness led to the "Art of Mindset" podcast, engaging with global entrepreneurs, leaders, and innovators. These dialogues highlight the critical role mindset plays in personal and community health, demonstrating that wellness is key to personal happiness and freedom.

Brian's life mirrors his teachings: a balanced, mindful approach to wellness that nurtures physical, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being. His ongoing learning and service journey symbolizes the interplay of health, mindset, and holistic wellness, reflecting his commitment to promoting self-empowerment in health and wellness, more now than ever.

Cathryn Eltz - Grab & Go Food Creator

Cathryn, also known as Trishula Ma, began playing the organ for Sunday service at her local church at age seven and by 14 three times weekly, including weddings and events. She also participated in chorus all through elementary and high school.

She was active in Girl Scouts, earning her First-Class badge by her junior year in high school. Girl Scouts also sparked her love for cooking while earning her cooking badge. She later became a chef in the Atlanta area, in several local restaurants, health food, and food co-ops, including Whole Foods Market Ponce-De-Leon, then retired. Kathryn cooked for many famous people like the Dalai Lama and his monks.

Upon graduation from high school, she attended the local community college. During her Psychology studies, Cathryn was gifted a book called “Be Here Now” by Ram Dass. Initiating a lifelong path of spiritual seeking leading her to her Guru Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati, and her Parama Guru Neem Karoli Baba, a famous Indian Saint who was also the Guru of Ram Dass, Bhagavan Das, and Krishna Das.

She learned the Kirtan of the lineage and became the assistant Kirtan Wallah at Kashi Atlanta, leading Kirtan and even playing on stage with Bhagavan Das. After living in the community as a resident and studying with Ma Jaya for over 15 years. Trishula took her vows as an ordained monk in the Saraswati order at Kashi Ashram in Florida.

A few years after her Guru passed away, Cathryn met her beloved Teacher Avani Jaya and dove headfirst into both the Native American and Yogic studies. She continues her life studies in the Soul Medicine Life Mastery Program.

Cathryn continues to lead Kirtan for the Soul Medicine community while living as a resident at the Enchanted Forest with Avani Jaya her Soul Medicine Community, the chickens, elementals, and her cats Bear and Sasha

Wind Horsley - Dream Reader

Wind Horsley, known by many as Gentle Rain, is an Oneiromancer, Intuitive Dream Guide, and Dream Work Coach. She speaks the language of dreams and helps guide messages into the conscious awareness for inner growth toward wholeness and healing.

She teaches dream workshops on effective ways to incorporate dream work into your personal and spiritual practices and is a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD).

Wind has a background in energy work, including Reiki Masters in 2003, Yoga Teacher Training in 2004, and Qigong Instructor Certification in 2021.

She is currently an Ordained Minister. She makes Native American Sacred Rattles, sweat dresses, and regalia.

Wind is also an American Heart Association-certified CPR and first-aid instructor offering individual and group classes for daycares, home health, nurses, and certified yoga teachers.


Holly Springs, GA

Mon - Fri 7 am - 6 pm | Sat 10 am - 5 pm | Closed Sunday

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